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Who is Aegister?

Aegister SpA, a spinoff of the University of Salerno, provides customized and accessible cybersecurity services to homogeneous SME sectors through a Virtual CISO platform and proprietary hardware devices.

Some of our distinctive features include the Crowd Security model, which facilitates real-time threat sharing among 'Alliance' participants, and our extensive utilization of Artificial Intelligence to enhance the effectiveness and automation of defense systems

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What is a vCISO?

It is an expert or team of experts who remotely perform the responsibilities of a CISO (Chief Information Security Officer).

The IT security director is responsible for identifying possible threats, developing solutions and implementing them.

This role also encompasses responsibilities for ensuring regulatory compliance and elevating company systems to meet security standards

// Vciso

Your shield against digital threats

With Aegister, you can reduce your exposure to the risk of cyber attacks while optimizing your costs in cybersecurity. You can count on your assets being protected through experts and digital tools for risk analysis, security posture assessment and regulatory compliance


A branched organization and prominent partners in cybersecurity ensure high standards in service delivery.

Proprietary technologies

Aegister can rely on registered technologies for IP reputation assessment developed by industry professionals and continuously updated.

// WHY

Choosing a
Virtual CISO

Full Time CISO
Verifiable Industry Experience
Expert Advisor
Strategic Security Planning
Flexible Investment
Guaranteed Objectivity
No Training & Certification Costs
Annual Risk Assessment
Objective Measurable Performance
Access to a Team of Experts
Limited Turnover
Wide-range of Specialized Expertise
Indipendent Contractor
Verifiable Industry Experience
Expert Advisor
Strategic Security Planning
Flexible Investment
Guaranteed Objectivity
No Training & Certification Costs
Annual Risk Assessment
Objective Measurable Performance
Access to a Team of Experts
Limited Turnover
Wide-range of Specialized Expertise    
Verifiable Industry Experience
Expert Advisor
Strategic Security Planning
Flexible Investment
Guaranteed Objectivity
No Training & Certification Costs
Annual Risk Assessment
Objective Measurable Performance
Access to a Team of Experts
Limited Turnover
Wide-range of Specialized Expertise
Cyber-attacks in Italy in 2022 compared to 2021
Serious accidents in 2022 worldwide affecting stakeholders

*Data from the CLUSIT 2023 report

// your vciso

It will take care, with the help of Aegister technology, of strategic and operational business functions with the goal of improving your overall cybersecurity program


Guided questionnaires. External scans to discover vulnerabilities in externally visible IPs and URLs.


Definition of activities necessary to implement appropriately identified security measures.


Exploration of a strategic roadmap to enhance corporate IT security


Monitoring progress of activities, reporting, notifications and alerts.

Compliance with cybersecurity standards

Aegister offers solutions that support companies in managing regulatory compliance for data protection. It takes care of setting data security policies, auditing activities, and generating reports to demonstrate compliance with current regulations.


Compliance with current standards enables the optimal operation of the corporate security system


Compliance with regulations and standards prevents companies from receiving penalties related to data security


Creating reports allows for quick communication of security status and its progressive improvement

// what we offer

An integrated protection system
for your digital security

Services of vCISO

Outsourcing cybersecurity services to a vCISO avoids the need for a dedicated in-house figure

Aegister threat blocker

Aegister threat blocker provides enterprise perimeter security via hardware equipment

Aegister add-ons

Aegister offers tailor-made services for any category of clients, services dedicated to small and medium-sized enterprises and beyond

UNISA academic spin-off

Aegister is an accredited spinoff of the University of Salerno, home of theNational Hub on Cybersecurity identified by the MUR under the PNRR.


Request now
a trial

Aegister is registered in the special section of the business register as a START-UP INNOVATIVE. Aegister is a spin-off company approved by the University of Salerno. Aegister is a Joint Stock Company and therefore the updated list of shareholders can only be consulted through the shareholder register.

Thanks to the photographers (Gerd Altmann, Josh Calabrese, TheDigitalWay, Julia M Cameron, Omar Flores, Sander Weeteling, Campaign Creators, Freestocks, Tim Käbel, JJ Ying, Austin Distel, Copernicus, Jordan Harrison, Jason Dent, Austin Distel and Marek Piwnicki ) for the images made available through the Unsplash platform.